Page Furniture/Design Elements
On the front cover of this issue of "Kerrang!", the design element of the masthead is the fractured text. It is used in relation to the music genre this magazine is based on, Rock. It shows that the stereotype for rock fans is that they are harsh and loud, which may be what has caused this shattering. As well as this, behind the image there are orange paint splats. The colour orange is a vibrant colour, used in this case to show the new life of the band, as well as to catch the attention of the reader. The colour being "splattered" behind the band shows the messiness of the magazine, conforming with the stereotypes of the readers. The magazine cover also contains boxed off images, to separate the stories and make sure there is no confusion.
Metal Hammer:
On the front cover of this edition of "Metal Hammer", the most noticeable thing is the font used for both the masthead and cover lines. The font shows mystery, and is also eerie. The use of the colour red is also prominent, and can show the violence of the band, as red can be perceived as a violent colour, similar to blood. The most noticeable thing throughout the 3 pages is the use of torches by the band. This could be used to shine light on the band, trying to recover from their dark past.
The design elements and page furniture featured on the front cover of MOJO, is similar every edition. The first thing that can be seen is right in the top left of the magazine, the small box that catches your eye with the words "FREE CD". This is included every month, and adds to the iconic look of the magazine. This magazine, much like the "Kerrang!" magazine above, contains boxed off images of other artists. This is used to separate the articles, making sure the reader is certain they are different.