Typography Analysis

All of the mastheads shown to the left are displayed in at the top (skyline) of the magazine cover. This way, the reader can easily see and establish the name of the magazine, rather than be searching around the cover for it. Kerrang, Metal Hammer are in black and white, but often use the colour red instead. This is because the colour is vibrant and eye catching, drawing the readers attention away from its competitors and to that magazine. MOJO is always in either black or white, as it typically compliments the house style used. It also connotes the simplistic nature of the magazine, which readers often like, compared to a vibrant and complex magazine. All magazine mastheads are sans-serif, which shows the informality and simplistic nature of these magazines.

There is a clear use of capital letters throughout the titles and cover lines of magazines. This is because it "shouts" to the readers, and easily grabs their attention. This is especially noticeable throughout the magazines of the rock genre, depicting them as "loud" fans.
All of the fonts used are eye catching, yet readable. This plays another part in grabbing the readers attention, as if they cannot read what is written they will not buy the magazine. A lot of the colours used for the colour lines are vibrant, appealing to the reader and making them easily visible. These colours include red and orange. Black and white is also used in the cover lines, as the stories may be calmer than others, and the use of these colours would suggest so.