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House Style - Kerrang

Metal Hammer

House style is where a magazine uses similar layout and structure, including the masthead font, colours, logo and its placement, as well as placement of images and the bar code. House style is used so that the reader can judge whether or not it is the type of magazine that they want because they are familiar with the layout and font types. Kerrang! has a distinctive house style, so that regular readers can easily identify the magazine. The masthead is always spread across the skyline of the page. The main image is always overlaid on the masthead. This is to bring away attention from the masthead, and give it to the main image instead. The masthead is always the same, with the shattered pattern in the logo every issue. The logo isn't always the same colour, but it matches the magazine and matches the house style for that magazine. The front cover is always consistent as it is crowded and appeals to the rock genre, as they are perceived as messy and violent fans.

In this issue of "Kerrang!", the main colours are red, orange, white and black. These are the same colours used throughout the issue, especially in the front page, contents page, and double page spread i have analysed. These images are vibrant, and match the personality of the band. Having a clear house style each issue shows professionalism, and creates a sense of formality for the reader.

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